Sioux Valley Dakota Nation

SVDN Mature 12 Graduation (2018.06.22)

On the afternoon of June 22, 2018, Sioux Valley Dakota Nation was proud to see another batch of Mature 12 students receive their high school graduation diplomas. Though only 7 were able to attend the small ceremony, there were 8 in total. SVDN would like to congradualte Jason Bell, Kelsey Demas, Caitlin Elk, Elijah Essie, Trina Hotain, Alfred Nasekapow, Frank Tacan Jr. and Jeremy Wasteste. Trina Hotain received the Acedemic Excellence award, while Frank Tacan Jr. took home the Outstanding Achievment award and Alfred Nasekapow was our Valedictorian.

Con”grad”ulations to the SVDN Mature 12 Graduates. We are all very proud of you.

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