Sioux Valley Dakota Nation

Dakota Nation Flag Raising in Winnipeg, MB (09.15.21)

On September 15, 2021 the Dakota Nation Flag was raised permanently at Winnipeg City Hall representing the Dakota Nations in Manitoba. It’s truly a historic day for our Dakota Nations and Sioux Valley Dakota Nation.

Harold Blacksmith started out the day with a Prayer while Songs were sung by Dakota Hotain Singers before the March started. The March started at the Canadian Museum for Human Rights, where the Dakota Nations and allies gathered and proceed to Winnipeg City Hall.

“I want to begin by first acknowledging our ancestors, past Dakota Chiefs, Councils, Leaders and Elders for their strength and perseverance.

Today is a historical occasion for the Dakota Oyate and the Oceti Sakowin.

It’s time for us to take our rightful place along with the Treaty and Metis Nations to be acknowledged and recognized for our contributions to the history, not only here in Manitoba but in Canada as well.

Historically, we have always been here, and we are still here, and acknowledge that this is the unceded territory of the Dakota Oyate.

We are a Sovereign Nation and we have never surrendered. We are a new generation of leader, today we stand here united as Dakota Nations, and as the Oceti Sakowin

We will continue to advocate for the respect, the recognition that the Dakota people deserve. Each Dakota Nation is taking the steps towards reconciliation to be recognized in our own territory and this is one of the first steps”. – Chief Jennifer Bone.

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