Sioux Valley Dakota Nation

Dakota Nations Meeting (2020.01.31)

On Friday, January 31, 2020, Chief Jennifer Bone and Council of Sioux Valley Dakota Nation welcomed the leadership of the Dakota Nations of Manitoba and Saskatchewan to our Dakota territory.  The meeting was held at the Clarion Hotel in Brandon.  

Chief and Council members from Canupawakpa Dakota Nation, Birdtail Sioux First Nation, Dakota Tipi First Nation, Tatanka Najin (Standing Buffalo Dakota Nation) and Wahpeton Dakota Nation attended the meeting.  Elders were also in attendance.    

Discussions centred around Dakota language revitalization and retention, preserving our Dakota culture and traditions, as well as history and research.   As members of the Oceti Sakowin, the Seven Council Fires, the Dakota Nations have committed to working together to strengthen and preserve our Dakota culture and language. 

Thank you to Dakota Hotain for the opening and closing songs.  

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