SVDN Community Notice – Focus on the Fundamentals (10.08.21)

October 8, 2021

RE: Focus on the Fundamentals

Community transmission of COVID-19 is occurring. The current provincial response level has been set to orange. 

We can all lower our risk and help reduce our community cases of COVID-19 by focusing on the fundamentals and learning how to assess our risk of exposure to the virus.

We can all reduce our risk by adopting the following habits to help prevent the spread of COVID-19:

  • Check yourself for symptoms
  • Stay home when you are sick
  • Get tested for COVID-19
  • Wash your hands or use alcohol based hand sanitizer frequently
  • Cover your cough/sneeze
  • Maintain social (physical) distancing when you feel your risk of exposure is high
  • Wear a mask when required or as recommended by public health officials

Of note, regardless of immunization status, mask use mandates are in effect based on the current public health orders. This means wearing a mask in all public settings at all times. 

Please continue to do your part to keep our community and the Oyate safe –

Sioux Valley Dakota Nation Chief & Council