Dakota Iapi Notice (2022.07.11)

The Dakota Iapi Program in conjunction with Dakota Tiwahe Services, and Jordan’s Principle are pleased to announce that there will be a Dakota Language Bdoketu Institute for Wipazoka Wakpa members. Beginning on July 11 and ending August 25th. 20 Youth (ages 9-17) will be accepted. For registration forms, stop by the Community Centre. The focus will be a combination of land-based and in-class instruction. There is no cost to participate. We have 4 instructors who will work hard to meet your language needs. We will have room for approximately 20 Youth and their parents/chaperones to take part. This will be an unforgettable experience that will enrich and develop the skills of our community.

Monday: 2-4 pm
Information session/Inperson Registration Day
Meet Our Dakota Iapi Instructors
Ask questions/Calandar of Events

Wednesday: 1-4 pm
Registration first day

For more information please contact:

Virgil Bunn
(204) 721-1273

Candice Kennedy
(204) 730-5651

In Person registration on Monday July 11