Sioux Valley Dakota Nation

SVDN-ACC Framers Course (2017.08.17)(Updated 2017.08.25)

Sioux Valley Dakota Nation and Assiniboine Community College have joined together to provide students a unique learning opportunity. The course is specifically dedicated to three main areas of house construction.

Emphasis on floor framing, wall framing, and roof framing make up the majority of the 8 week course. During the 8 week time frame students complete theory assignments and practical on the job training. Participants who successfully complete the course will receive a framers certificate. The certificate can be used as proof of prior framing experience if applying for other jobs. Most of the guys have been working on renovations and small additions so they have some prior experience using portable power tools and hand tools.

Cam Hotel, a former building construction teacher in Brandon and a Red Seal carpenter by trade is the instructor for the course. Cam is excited to be part of such a worthwhile course and is happy to be able to pass his 40 plus years of experience in the building construction industry onto the guys involved. They are a fun bunch to work with and appreciate his expertise in framing. Cam has many tips and tricks that you will not find in a text book so there is lots of extras to be learned.

The course is unique in the sense that it has never been taught before. It is a newly designed course being taught for the first time. The course focuses specifically on house framing with the eventual goal being for participants to gain enough knowledge and experience to continue building new houses in Sioux Valley Dakota Nation.

The students’ current practical project is the construction of a 1000 square foot bungalow on an existing concrete foundation. All the work is completed by the students. They are currently finishing off the main floor interior walls and will be ready to install the roof system next week. Once completed, a Sioux Valley resident will be able to move in as their new home. When the course finishes up after September long weekend the students will start to frame a second house build similar to the first one. The intention is that students will be able to transfer their framing experience to complete the second house under minimal supervision. The repetition of the framing process is what eventually develops people into capable and skilled framers.

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