SVDN Health – Medical Transportation – Brandon (2022.05.31)

Medical Transportation – Brandon – Starting May 31st, 2022

Due to a decrease in medical services available at the Health Centre, we will once again be offering transportation into Brandon for Doctor appointments.

Depart: 9:00AM — Return: 12:00PM – Dr. Decter’s Office
Depart: 1:00PM — Return: 3:30PM – Dr. Benning’s Office

Depart: 9:00AM — Return: 12:00PM – Dr. Benning’s Office
Depart: 1:00PM — Return: 3:30PM – Dr. Decter’s Office

Please arrive at the Health Centre 15 minutes before departure time

*These times will be subject to change based on length of appointment and the number of patients travelling
*Gas slips for doctor appointments will not be issued on Tuesdays and Thursdays due to the fact that Health is providing transportation on those days
*Transportation will be on a first come first served basis
(Please call medical transportation, ahead of time, to book your seat on the van)
*Transportation will be for patients accessing medical care only
(Spots will be limited; unnecessary travellers will not be allowed)

The following will NOT be tolerated and will result in suspension of the service for the traveller:

*Requesting additional stops be made in the city
(The medical transport vehicle will remain at the Doctor’s Office during the appointment time)
(It is expected that once your appointment is complete you will get back in the van and wait for departure back to Sioux Valley)
(If you miss the ride back to Sioux Valley, medical transport will NOT be responsible for getting you back home)
*Alcohol/drug use before or during transportation to your appointment
*Disrespectful behaviour toward the driver or other passengers in the van

Schedule may be adjusted to accommodate other clinics