SVDN Education Notice – Poor Road Conditions *UPDATE* (2024.03.14)

March 14, 2024
To the Parents of Sioux Valley Elementary School Students:
Due to very recently emerging circumstances in the community and within Sioux Valley Elementary School, our staff will be reduced to a point that is below the 50% threshold required to remain open for students to attend. As a result, our students will have their lunch at school and will afterwards begin to board the buses for home beginning at 12:45 p.m.  Teachers are now calling parents to inform them of this situation.  Our remaining staff remain on duty at the school until the completion of their regularly scheduled day. 
Parents are reminded about parent/teacher conferences at our school tomorrow, March 15.  Your participation in your child’s education is vitally important and we look forward to seeing you tomorrow.  
Mr. B. Lyons
Principal Sioux Valley Elementary School