SVDN Education Notice – Science Fair (2024.03.11)

March 11, 2024

Just a reminder that science fair for our students will be taking place today. The science fair will be starting later than previously planned. The grade 7 & 8 students who are participating in science fair will be leaving the high school at 11:15AM today. The classrooms that are participating are Ms. Essie, Ms. Morrisseau, and Mrs. Pollock. They will be dismissed from the Sioux Valley Elementary school when the science fair is done.

We are anticipating the students being dismissed a little after 3:00PM. The grade 7 & 8 students who live in Brandon will be dropped off at the Sioux Valley High School before the end of the school day. All other grades/classes will have a regular school day today.

Pidamayapiye/Thank you,
Sioux Valley High School Administration