SVDN Health Fair (2023.07.12)

On July 12, 2023, Sioux Valley Dakota Nation held a Health Fair. This event was a fun day filled with several activities for all, including foot races, bike races, tipi set up and several booths to gather healthy living information. Several people took part in the learning how to set up a Dakota style tipi, and cultural significance of how and why it is set up the way it is. As the progressed, we go to enjoy some fun activities, such as “Slooshing”, which was a new event to for in attendance. After a brief learning curve, it was fun for all. Foot and bike races for multiple age categories, tug of war, archery, as well as a quick BBQ lunch. Afternoon entertainment was provided by the “Master of the Jig” Ryan Richard, as well as some Karoake, provided by Look Music. SVDN Health Fair is always fun and informative for all.
Thank you to all organizations, staff and those in attendance who made the day great.