SVDN DakotaNet Notice (2024.02.26)

Hello everyone. 

We wanted to clear some things up for the community. We went through a transition in late October and the office was closed until January. This made it almost impossible for customers to pay their internet bills. With that in mind, we would like to offer a 2 month credit to all residential customers. November and December internet invoices will be voided. If you paid those months online or in person, 2 other months will be voided so that its fair. We are in the process of hiring a full time receptionist and are hoping thats done very soon. We will also start doing internet disconnects at the end of March. We are asking all customers to call the office to update their contact information for their accounts and update email addresses so invoices are being received the first of the month. If you don’t have email or receive your invoices, please call and we can print them for you. For those with very high outstanding bills, we ask that you come fill out a new payment arrangement form with us so you do not lose your service. We are willing to work with you to settle your outstanding bill and maintain your service at the same time. If you have any questions, please call our office at 204-515-1667. You can also call or text the manager at 204-573-8557 or email us at

Please be patient as we rebuild the service and staff to better serve you.