SVDN Education Bus & Weather Closure Policies (2023.11.07)

November 7, 2023
Just a reminder that students are only permitted to be picked up and dropped off at their place of residence according to the student’s registration form. If a student requires an alternative pick up or drop off, please contact the Sioux Valley High School directly to arrange this. All arrangements for dropping students off must be done prior to 3:15 to ensure that the bus drivers are informed. Also, all alternative pick up locations must be arranged the day prior to 4:00PM the day before.
All students must be ready and waiting for the bus to arrive. Bus drivers are on a strict time schedule and will not be turning around to pick up missed students. It is the parent’s/guardian’s responsibility to arrange transportation if their child missed the school bus.
As the weather turns colder, we remind all parents/guardians to ensure that their children are appropriately dressed. Please see the attached memo with regard to our updated weather policy as of November 2023.


1. Sioux Valley Education plans for possible closure days due to weather and road conditions. Safety is our main priority. The time is “banked” for possible closures – see #2

2. The time is made up in short lunch hours at Sioux Valley Education. Every other school takes one (1) hour for lunch; Sioux Valley schools take a half hour lunch all year long (16 days earned throughout the school year).

3. For safety reasons, our closure policy is: -33 without wind-chill factor, -43 with wind-chill factor. This will be determined in the morning by 6:45AM or whenever possible. You can find posts of closures on our Facebook page – Sioux Valley Education and radio stations will be notified via phone call or email.

4. In consultation with the Sioux Valley Dakota Nation’s Education Portfolio Holders, School Administration, and Transportation Supervisor, the Director of Education may close both school sites in the event of road closures or deemed dangerous conditions.

Please follow us on Facebook at “Sioux Valley Education”.

Thank you,
Sioux Valley Education Team