SVDN Health: Day Patient Treatment (2023.07.06)

Day Patient Treatment
Waohoda Wozani
Respectful Healing

Are you or someone you care about in the community seeking help and awareness of alcohol, substances or have mental health issues? Are you wanting to attend treatment but are waiting for a bed or don’t want to be away from home?
Then this program might be for you!

This day program will open positive doorways so you can build healthy relationships for yourselves, your families and community. Maybe you need help with unwanted behaviours. We can help by providing personal development in the areas of spiritual, emotional, physical, and mental well-being. We will use cultural teachings, traditions, ceremonies, and both land-based and evidence-based education to help you heal your body, mind, and spirit.

WHEN: Starting July 6, 2023
This program will run Tuesday thru Friday
10:00 AM – 3:00 PM
WHERE: To Be Announced
Lunch & Transportation Provided
To Register call Health: 204-855-2690