Community Notice – SVDN Resumption of Operation Notice (2020.05.28)

May 21, 2020

Attention Community Members,

RE: SVDN Resumption of Operation Notice

As Sioux Valley Dakota Nation plans for the resumption of operations and the delivery of services within a “new normal” efforts to prevent, quickly identify, and contain “outbreaks” of the virus are vital to ensuring we protect members that are most vulnerable to serious illness and deaths from COVID-19.

The Manitoba government declared a province-wide state of emergency under The Emergency Measures Act on March 20, 2020, to protect the health and safety of all Manitobans and reduce the spread of COVID-19. This order was extended on April 20th and again on May 17, 2020.

We remain early in the fight against the virus. Chief and Council are reviewing the experiences of other jurisdictions and implementing measures that will increase protection for those Sioux Valley Dakota Nation members who are most at risk of serious illness from COVID-19.

with this consideration, effective May 22, 2020, indoor gatherings are increased to 25 and outdoor gatherings allow up to 50 people where members of the community are reasonably able to maintain separation of at least two meters (6 feet) from others. This change applies to social gatherings, worship, weddings and funerals.

Additional details surrounding the reopening of SVDN-operated sectors will be forthcoming.

We appreciate your support during this transition period.

Chief Jennifer Bone

Councilman Elton Taylor

Councilman Anthony D. Tacan

Councilman Jamie Hall

Councilwoman Evelyn Pratt

Councilwoman Eleanor Elk